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Advertise your company, your brand, your channel or your product on the Amo Peixe channel 

Temos 341 mil seguidores no youtube
230 mil seguidores no Tik Tok 
208 mil seguidores no
140 Mil Seguidores no
90 Mil Seguidores no KWAI

Totalizando em todas as redes + de 1 Milhão de seguidores

Understand our Content! 

The Amo Peixe channel is a content for the Family. which shows the work and daily life of rural producers who raise Ornamental fish, the perfect place for brands to show their potential to change lives.

We have Videos of the Day to Day of Fish Farming, showing jobs such as fish harvesting, separation, feeding, jobs like making a fence, among other content related to the work of the fish farming profession, Any product or brand that makes sense for a simple family that works in the countryside there is space in the channel, since digital products, or technological products in addition to online shopping are part of the family's daily life!

Meet the public that watches Amo Peixe 


Ad Formats 

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Para o que você precisar

340 mil Seguidores

Anuncie no Youtube

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Tik Tok 

Para o que você precisar

230 mil Seguidores

Anuncie no tik tok

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Para o que você precisar

208 mil Seguidores

Anuncie no Facebook

Seu anuncio será publicado em todas as redes integrado ao video de maneira organica, sem contar os cortes que aparecem em outroas redes

© 2021 All rights reserved to Piscicultura Claudio Rainho Avaré 

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